
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Dr. Fauci Sheds Crocodile Tears At Congressional Hearing

Dr. Fauci Sheds Crocodile Tears At Congressional Hearing

(Chaz Anon) In today's congressional hearing, the wizard’s magick curtain was opened for the masses, who are easily swayed by deception and manipulation, specifically the type that comes in the form of governmental psychological operations and propaganda.

In the stark light of truth, it was confirmed that the specter of Covid, this so-called pandemic, was not some unforeseen natural disaster, but a carefully orchestrated plot by a rogue government, and funded by the very taxpayers it sought to deceive.

This bio-weapon, likely conceived in the shadowy depths of Fort Dietrich, was strategically placed in Wuhan, with China conveniently cast in the role of the villain.

The vaccines, those heralded saviors, were exposed as false idols. The puppet masters knew all along that these vaccines were not the panacea they were proclaimed to be. And yet, they remained silent on the grim toll, the lives lost in the shadows of their grand narrative.

The NIH, and its overlord Dr. Fauci, that supposed “hero” of public health, walked away with a tidy sum of $700 million. Blood money, some might say. And all the while, they lied. They lied to our faces, spinning their web of deceit, most likely with an eye on the electoral prize. Our nation forced to rely on mail-in ballots, swayed by fear and uncertainty.

This is the dystopian reality unveiled today—a chilling reminder of the lengths to which those in power will go to control the narrative and, by extension, the people.

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