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Julian Assange Wins Right To Challenge US Extradition Case

Julian Assange Wins Right To Challenge US Extradition Case

(Chaz Anon) London’s High Court has handed Julian Assange a lifeline, allowing the embattled WikiLeaks founder to mount a new appeal against his extradition to the US. In a terse Monday morning decision, two senior judges ruled that the American case was lacking, giving Assange another shot at dodging Washington’s grasp.

Assange, who exposed US military secrets and alleged war crimes, has been battling extradition since his dramatic arrest in April 2019, when Ecuador booted him from its London embassy. Since then, he’s languished in a maximum-security prison, fighting tooth and nail against the US government's relentless pursuit.

The saga took a turn last June when then-Home Secretary Priti Patel greenlit his handover to the US, sparking a flurry of appeals from Assange’s defense team. They argue that if extradited, Assange faces a grim fate—likely isolation for life, a point not lost on his supporters who fear for his wellbeing.

In March, the High Court acknowledged the potential infringement of Assange’s rights within the US prison system, despite Washington’s assurances of fair treatment. On Monday, his defense lambasted these promises from Biden’s administration as woefully inadequate, raising alarms about the death penalty and restricted access to their client.

In a succinct, yet significant ruling, the judges found the American submissions wanting, granting Assange another opportunity to challenge the extradition through the British courts. The battle continues, with Assange’s fate hanging in the balance.

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