Hillary Clinton's Sacrifice
(Chaz Anon) There are some people who just can’t help but think the worst of Hillary Clinton. If the company that she keeps is any indicator of her true nature, with her many political ties to some to the filthiest creatures to have ever come out of the D.C. swamp, then she could very well be a reincarnation of Lilith the “night-creature", a dangerous demon of the night who steals babies in the darkness and drinks their blood.
Lilith is way hotter than Hillary
According to her own email released by Wikileaks, in the very least, she sacrifices small animals.
A senior government staffer writes to Hillary Clinton in an email from August 29 2008, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .”
She could just be fooling around of course but that wouldn’t be interesting to write about. So let us assume like most people already do, that she is a disciple of Moloch, the occult god that requires ritualistic human sacrifice.
The Wikileaks Hillary Clinton Email Archive reveals that Hillary and her globalist associates use occultist terminology and symbols, as well as FBI confirmed pedophilia code words. This is the source of the Pizzagate conspiracy.
The White House Years
Larry Nichols, former marketing director for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority in 1988 while Bill Clinton was governor, said that Hillary had a fascination with and participated in Satanic occult rituals.
“Bill told me that she was going out there, she and a group of women, and she would be a part of a witch’s church. Man, when Bill told me that, she could have hit me with a baseball bat. I tried to point out to him, ‘Do you realize what would happen if that got out?’ Of course my job was to make sure it didn’t get out.”
“Now I don’t know the day, if Hillary still partakes in the witch ritual, I don’t know that I even know what the ritual was. But for the better part of many years, Hillary would go quite often, whether it was regularly once a month, or maybe once every couple of months, she would go out on the weekend simply to be a part of it.”
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled" - Possibly Mark Twain
Many people find it difficult to believe that the Clinton Crime Family is involved in such horrific patterns of behavior like witchcraft, satanism, pedophilia, and blood sacrifice. But absolute power corrupts absolutely, and many of these patterns are believed to have began when the Clinton’s were in the White House.
According to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, during Bill Clinton’s presidential tenure, Hillary held seances attempting to speak to the dead.
The Washington Post published an article in which Bill Clinton said that "the most interesting day of the trip" to Haiti was when he, Hillary and Edwards got a chance to see voodoo in practice in a village near Port-au-Prince.
According to the Haiti Observateur, “During a March 31, 1995 visit to Haiti under Aristide’s restored rule, Clinton took part in a Voodoo initiative ceremony intended to keep him impervious to Republican attacks and to guarantee his re-election.” (FrontPageMag.com, Feb. 20, 2004)
Child Trafficking Associates
When Peter John Dalglish was arrested in Nepal for child sex crimes, it was rumored he leaked a “snuff film” of Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin killing a young girl.
Dalglish was a Canadian “humanitarian” worker and founder of Street Kids, which was later named Save The Children, which was the world’s largest children’s charity. According to Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police, Dalglish was also a former United Nations adviser.
It is alleged that he had close ties with the Trudeau administration in Canada.
Friends or Photo Op?
This psychopath traveled the earth for two decades, under the cover of a charity, looking for children to rape.
Nepalese police arrested him in the early hours of April 8 last year in a raid on the mountain home he had built in the village of Kartike east of the capital of Kathmandu. Police alleged he had raped two Nepalese boys aged 11 and 14, who were with him.
Pushkar Karki, director of the Central Investigation Bureau, told MyRepublica of Nepal that Dalglish was promising to help educate disadvantaged children and provide charity and job opportunities for their families:
“Our preliminary investigation has found that he has been targeting children from poor financial backgrounds and sexually abusing them.”
The Face of Evil.
These are the types of people Hillary Clinton and her husband associate with all the time. And it wouldn’t be surprising if he is the source of the alleged Hillary Clinton "snuff film" claimed to be circulating on the dark web, in which Hillary and Huma are said to torture and kill a child in order to extract adrenochrome.
What the hell is adrenochrome? It is a natural occurring chemical compound produced by adrenaline that is said to be even more potent if extracted from a child victim while they are being tortured. Adrenaline is created in the adrenal glands and pumped into the blood when a person is frightened, panicked, or in a lot of pain. The more adrenaline in the blood, the more potent the effects of the adrenochrome.
The mythical substance Adrenochrome is a chemical compound (C9H9NO3) rumored to have near miraculous regenerative abilities of human tissue, restoration of nerve responsivity and cognitive function, adrenochrome holds a legendary status as the ultimate Calistoga or “fountain of youth” of the global elite.
Throughout history the mythos of Vampires has appeared all over the world in many cultures. From Eastern Europe where many of the aspects we’ve retained in our modern interpretation of the Vampire comes from, to more foreign concepts of the Vampire like India’s BrahmarākŞhasa or China’s Jiangshi. Even ancient Mesopotamia had stories of a blood consuming demon named Lilith who would kidnap infants to harvest their blood. The legend of the vampire seems somewhat universal through time and cultures. Now to be clear the “undead” aspect of the myth isn’t really relevant, rather I would focus on the consumption of blood for “immortality”, increasing life spans and getting “drunk” on it. This is present in almost all the vampire myths globally and is key to the motive of these behaviors.
As well as adrenochrome causing an extreme high (euphoria, de-realization, induced Schizophrenia), it also causes your body to become dependent upon it. After taking just a few doses your body shuts down production of adrenaline. This means you would become dependent upon adrenochrome to create adrenaline and become addicted. Much like a vampire must continue to consume blood regularly.
It allows the body to conduct cell mitosis closer to the level it does for minors, improves regeneration of muscle tissue, and acts as a Mitotic inhibitor which prevents chromosomes from being pulled apart during mitosis which strengthens them. The more youthful the victim of adrenaline harvesting is, the stronger this effect is. As well as sexual predation this is why the elites have such an obsession with kidnapping and trafficking children. Children’s adrenaline filled blood is immeasurably valuable to these vampires who torture and sacrifice them to extend and enhance their own.
Adrenochrome harvesting and it’s acquisition is one of the main themes of the Pizzagate conspiracy, which then ties into Jeffrey Epstein’s child trafficking operation, with many of the same player involved in both narratives. The Epstein case has opened the door to the public, which has allowed many people to see the hidden world that exists behind the curtain: which includes child sex trafficking, ritualized sex abuse of children and child sacrifice.
The alleged video named "Frazzledrip", is said to contain a scene of Hillary Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin taking the facial skin off a young girl child and wearing it over their own faces to terrify the girl—with Clinton and Abedin then killing the child and drinking her blood.
It is believed that Peter John Dalglish posted this alleged video to the “dark web” in an effort to blackmail “Deep State” leaders, including Clinton. It has been confirmed by Nepal Intelligence that CIA forces loyal to President Trump via CIA Director Pompeo (now secretary of state), aided in the capture of this pedophile.
We have not seen the “Frazzledrip” video here at NFTP, and will not given the opportunity, therefore we can’t confirm it even exists. That being said, if it does exist, some folks will need to see it to believe that psychopaths are truly running our planet.