Saudi Arabia Pushing The U.S. to War
The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman (nicknamed “MBS”), has been making his rounds on the western media front in recent weeks, trying to sell the image of a kinder and gentler House of Saud. Yet, he told Time magazine that “we believe American troops should stay in Syria for at least the mid-term, if not the long term.”
Should Americans trust MBS to dictate our foreign policy and tell us where our troops should and shouldn’t kill and be killed thousands of miles from home?
It would seem logical to believe that he is pleased to see the US military occupy one-third of Syria indefinitely and dangerously challenge Russian, Syrian and Iranian forces. With his own military busy destroying Yemen, the Crown Prince needs the US to keep the Syrian front in chaos until a new game plan is put in place. Unfortunately, the only game left to play is all out WAR!
With so much happening in the Mideast of late, it is difficult for your average American to keep up with the geopolitical positioning that is going on. First, president Trump rightfully announced that the US would be leaving Syria “like, very soon.” Then the very next week, Syrian president Bashar Assad allegedly gassed his own people (for no strategic advantage), then president Trump flipped the script, tweeting a warning that missiles “will be coming” to Syria.
This pleased the Crown Prince immensely, taking some of the pressure off his rebel mercenary group Jaysh al-Islam, who have been accused of being the "real" perpetrators of the recent chemical attacks in Syria. The House of Saud has represented the extremist Sunni Muslim sect in recent years, but the Crown Prince claims to be moving toward a more moderate version of Islam. Yet he continues to fund and support a group like Jaysh al-Islam who routinely kill Christians in Syria, beheads women and enslaves children.
Why are we supporting this extremist faction of Islam in the middle east as opposed to the more moderate Alawite and Shiite Muslims?
According to the Q collective on 4chan, which many patriots believe is the voice of the American people, the House of Saud is one of the most powerful entities on the planet. They describe the hierarchy as such "Soros is the organizer/implementer with the lowest amount of wealth (+), Rothschild is the director with more wealth (++), and House of Saud is the money behind the cabal with the most wealth (+++)". So the answer is simply that money talks ("I want my pipeline NOW!").
With the influence Saudi Arabia has on western nations it is unlikely that the US will be pushing back too hard anytime soon. President Trump seems to be trying to balance the needs of the American people with the demands of the Crown Prince. The hope of most Americans is that the president can keep us out of any global conflict that could progress to an all out nuclear war. But the geopolitical game seems to get increasingly difficult for the president as each day progresses into the next.