
Anonymous G

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Trump Convicted on 34 Counts; Republican Chorus Calls It A Sham

Trump Convicted on 34 Counts; Republican Chorus Calls It A Sham

(Chaz Anon) In the dystopian theater of modern America, we are now witnessing the latest act of a divisive drama: President Donald Trump has been convicted on all 34 counts in the farcical hush money trial. In a nation where reality is as malleable as clay in the hands of its ruling class, Trump’s conviction is yet another grotesque chapter in the ongoing absurdist narrative.

The Republican presidential nominee’s fellow party members took to social media to slam the verdict.

This was a sham show trial. The Kangaroo Court will never stand on appeal,” Greg Abbott wrote on X (formerly Twitter) early Friday. “Americans deserve better than a sitting U.S. President weaponizing our justice system against a political opponent – all to win an election,” he said, calling on voters to “fire” Joe Biden in November.

GOP member and House Speaker Mike Johnson also slammed the trial, calling it “lawfare.” 

“Democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges, predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon,” he said, referring to Cohen’s part in the trial. The “weaponization” of the US justice system is “a hallmark of the Biden Administration,” and “further evidence that Democrats will stop at nothing to silence dissent and crush their political opponents,” Johnson wrote on X.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said his support for Donald Trump is “stronger than ever” following the “sham trial.” 

Despite a profound frustrations with Trump—his unwavering support for the genocidal regime of Israel, his championing of the insidious Pfizer vaccines, and a plethora of other grievances—today's so-called "conviction" by a kangaroo court and its handpicked, puppet jury has stoked a fire of indignation within many Americans. The sheer audacity of this mockery of justice will compel many people to cast their vote for Trump, not out of allegiance to the man himself, but as a defiant gesture against the treasonous machinations of the left.

The role of President has morphed into a precarious gambit, a perilous tightrope walk besieged by the globalist funds infiltrating the corridors of every district attorney's office in every blue state. Even if these dubious convictions are overturned on appeal, which seems highly probable, the die has been cast. The genie is out of the bottle, and we can expect a grim future where tit-for-tat prosecutorial witch hunts become the modus operandi in the grim spectacle of US presidential politics.

In response to the Manhattan jury's farcical guilty verdict, Donald Trump, with his characteristic bravado, proclaimed: "The real verdict will be November 5th by the people."

"The whole country is being rigged right now. This is being done by the Biden Administration in order to hurt or wound a political opponent."

"We'll fight to the end and we'll win...this is long from over."

Thus, in the absurdist landscape of contemporary America, where truth is a casualty and justice a charade, the saga continues, a testament to the Orwellian nightmare in which we find ourselves entangled.

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