
Anonymous G

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 William Cooper's Viral Prophesy: Israel's Founding, The Stealthy Prelude to a One-World Regime

William Cooper's Viral Prophesy: Israel's Founding, The Stealthy Prelude to a One-World Regime

(Chaz Anon) William Cooper, in his enigmatic magnum opus Behold a Pale Horse, "claims Israel's founding in 1947 isn't the straightforward post-World War II tale of a homeland for the Jewish people, neatly packaged for public consumption. In Cooper's view, this event is a chess move in a much grander, shadowy game, a strategic play hidden under layers of geopolitical subterfuge, a piece of a puzzle in a game whose players operate in realms so secretive, the average Joe might as well be blindfolded in a dark room trying to pin the tail on the donkey.

“Israel was created as the instrument to bring about…a war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will be used, so that [people] will get down on their knees and beg for no more war,” Cooper said in a 1992 interview.

Cooper paints a picture of a cabal of globalists, not tied down by petty distinctions like ethnicity or creed, but rather, bound by their allegiance to the arcane teachings of the "mystery schools." He urged, with the fervor of a street-corner preacher.

“Read the Book of Revelations. Whether you believe the book or not, read it, because the men who are bringing this about are using it as their script,” he said.

The interviewer, wading into murkier waters, suggested that perhaps the Jewish community was unwittingly playing into the hands of these shadowy globalists.

“That’s correct,” Cooper replied. “They’ve always been manipulated. And I get people who still come to me all the time and say, ‘Bill, you’re all wrong. It’s the Jews. The Jews are subverting the world.’”

“Man, it’s not the Jews. It’s not the Catholics, it’s not the blacks. It’s these men who belong to the ancient mystery schools, who meet in secret and decide the fate of the world.”

“And they belong to all different races and all different nationalities and all different religions, to the public point of view. But in secret, it’s a different story,” he added.

Cooper served in Naval intelligence before publishing Behold a Pale Horse in 1991, which describes the elites’ plans for world government and their declaration of war against humanity.

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