
Anonymous G

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Trump Claims “Screaming” Biden Was Drugged Up For SOTU

Trump Claims “Screaming” Biden Was Drugged Up For SOTU

(Steve Watson) Following a bizarre State of The Union Address during which Joe Biden spent a lot of time shouting and raging, Republicans responded by suggesting that the president’s handlers had him drugged up in order to avoid the kind of low energy gaffe filled snoozefest Biden appearances everyone is used to.

Trump reacted to Biden’s demeanor during the speech, noting “He looks so angry when he’s talking, which is a trait of people who know they are ‘losing it.’ The anger and shouting is not helpful to bringing our Country back together!”

GOP Senator Ted Cruz called the speech “astonishing,” adding “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“It was a campaign speech, but it was an exceptionally bad campaign speech. Joe Biden was angry. He was bitter. He was screaming, as you noted. The entire night he was radical and extreme, and he was completely out of touch with the American people,” Cruz further charged.

Cruz urged “Frankly tonight Joe Biden reminded me like an angry old man standing on his porch, screaming to the kids, “Get off my lawn!” That’s who he was.”

Conservative political commentator Victor Davis Hanson told Tucker Carlson that Biden is “only coherent when he’s full of venom.”

Nickelodeon: Slime-Ball City

Nickelodeon: Slime-Ball City

Was Nuland Fired for Her Role In the Ukraine Debacle?

Was Nuland Fired for Her Role In the Ukraine Debacle?