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Whistleblower Who Had Dirt on Biden ‘Child Sex Crimes’ Missing, Presumed Dead

Whistleblower Who Had Dirt on Biden ‘Child Sex Crimes’ Missing, Presumed Dead

(Baxter Dmitry) A whistleblower who vowed to release “explosive” evidence on Biden and Clinton family corruption and child sex crimes has been declared missing by authorities.

Dr. Gal Luft, the co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security. was preparing to reveal explosive information about the Biden family. He was also an adviser to CEFC China Energy, which paid Hunter Biden around $5 million in 2017 alone.

The man is a highly credible witness and there is a reason the Democrats are doing everything they can to silence him. He was well aware of the high stakes involved, and earlier this year made a statement that he is not suicidal.

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Now, according to the Cyprus Mail, Luft has suddenly gone missing under suspicious circumstances just days after a Larnaca court defied the wishes of the Biden administration and released him on bail.

In January, Luft said that he was arrested on bogus weapon trafficking charges, claiming that it was attempt to silence him.

“I’ve been arrested in Cyprus on a politically motivated extradition request by the U.S.,” he claimed. “The U.S., claiming I’m an arms dealer. It would be funny if it weren’t tragic. I’ve never been an arms dealer.”

“DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden,” he continued. “Shall I name names?”

For anyone who hasn’t been paying attention, the elite are heavily into pedophilia and satanism. They all have the dirt on each other and will do anything to protect those within their ranks.  

Luft’s lawyer said that he had given the FBI information during the Trump administration on the Bidens, which he planned to submit in a letter to Congress. He also learned that someone was selling sealed U.S. law enforcement information to Chinese individuals and had evidence linking Hillary Clinton to a D.C. child trafficking ring.

Rather than providing the FBI with invaluable evidence to pursue an investigation against the Biden and Clinton crime syndicates, it appears Luft only succeeded in placing a target on his back.

“Dr. Luft is a whistleblower,” Luft attorney Robert Henoch told the Washington Free Beacon. He asserts that prosecutors decided against pursuing Luft’s information “and are instead targeting him with trumped-up and false charges.”

“This unfortunately appears to be part of an attempt to discredit a witness with critical information about an ongoing congressional and DOJ investigation.”

he alphabet agencies have been co-opted by the Deep State which is in thrall to the globalist elite.

At this point, anyone who believes the World Economic Forum is actually committed to improving the state of the world needs their head checked.

After Hunter Biden’s laptop emails were leaked in May ’22, investigators discovered evidence of pedophile “code words” being used in Hunter Biden emails which implicate both Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

In 2016, we exclusively broke the story of how pedophile code words were used in email exchanges, leaked by Wikileaks, between Hillary Clinton and her campaign chair John Podesta.

Now we know Hunter Biden was also involved in the scandal. In an email dated 30th March, 2016, Hunter’s business partner Eric Scherwin sent him an invite to a pizza party involving Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong.

The email had the subject line “Putala for Hillary”. Interestingly Putala means “an effigy of sin.”

The email states the following:

PRESIDENTIAL PIZZA: Maddy BeckwithEzekiel EmanuelTony Podesta and Chris Putala are hosting a pizza party for Hillary Clinton next month, featuring campaign chair John Podesta, senior policy adviser Maya Harris, and pizza chef James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong. A maximum $2,7000 contribution includes a special reception with John Podesta.

Other pizza-related emails from John Podesta and Hillary Clinton in 2016 incongruously refer to food items such as pasta, cheese pizza, ice cream – which investigators say is a code language used by child sex ring participants.

Credible whistleblowers who have come forward with evidence linking Clinton to serious crimes have a habit of going missing and Luft has joined their ranks.

In May ’22 the Clinton body count increased following the suspicious death of a second Clinton associate who vowed to expose details about an elite pedophile ring involving Epstein and the Clintons.

Ashley Haynes, 47, was found drowned in an Arkansas River with an extension cord knotted to her ankle and attached to a concrete block.

She had been seen just months before visiting Clinton adviser and longtime Epstein Pal Mark Middleton, whose body was discovered earlier this month hanging from a tree with the same style electrical cord wrapped around his neck and a close-range shotgun blast through his chest.

A stunned business associate who knew Middleton is calling for an independent investigation into his suspicious death told reporters that it’s not a coincidence that Haynes, 47, had visited Clinton’s now-dead pal’s office to discuss an urgent matter.

“I saw her in Mark’s office!” the business associate told “I was leaving and he (Middleton) was telling me that he had a very important meeting – and that’s the woman who came in!”

These cases are just the tip of the iceberg. Corpses have been showing up since the Clintons entered public life in Arkansas in the 80s. To call Hillary ruthless is an understatement. And it appears that age is not mellowing her.

The same can be said for Joe Biden who is still interested in lining pockets and covering up the lurid sex crimes of his family.

His own daughter Ashley exposed his incest and pedophilia in her teenage diary which the FBI have since confirmed belongs to her.

But we didn’t need the diary to confirm the Big Guy is dangerous around children. He was inappropriately touching children during the 2015 Senate confirmation broadcast. Of course, C-span edited their footage to hide it, but there is a 12-minute compilation on YouTube. There is even a girl who pulls away after he pinches her nipple, which she confirmed later when asked on instagram. She felt like there was no reason to come forward as it would just anger her Democrat family and people around her.

Whatever happened to the Me Too movement?

Biden is the least popular president in history. His campaign events are lucky to draw a dozen people. He had 100 people at his inauguration.

Democrats are currently assessing Biden’s term as president and declaring it a success. This shouldn’t be surprising. Biden’s presidency has involved replacing what worked well with what sounded good.

This is the Democrat way.

The other Democrat tradition involves disappearing people who pose a threat to leftist political hegemony.

These are dark and treacherous times for the human race. The Biden administration has the full weight of the Deep State and globalist elite on its side and is doing everything to cover its tracks.

They are committed to improving their own lives, depopulating the world, and condemning the rest of us to live in a form of technological slavery, without possessions, privacy or free will.

But the future has not been written and the globalist elite will not win. The people of the world are slowly waking up.

Here at the People’s Voice we need your help to continue spreading the word about the agenda of the elite. Subscribe to the channel, share this video on social media with friends and family, and join the Peoples Voice Locals community for uncensored and exclusive content. I hope to see you there.


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