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Rand Paul Calls For Declassification Of COVID Lab leak Documents

Rand Paul Calls For Declassification Of COVID Lab leak Documents

(Steve Watson) Senator Rand Paul has demanded that the Biden Administration declassify documents purporting to show that The Energy Department concluded that the likely cause of the coronavirus pandemic was a lab leak in Wuhan.

“Classified documents leaked (they should be declassified!) showing scientists at DOE believe COVID leaked from Wuhan Lab,” Paul, who is now the ranking member of Senate Homeland Security Committee, tweeted along with a link to the Wall Street Journal story on the documents.

The revelation came in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.

The Energy Department conclusion adds to the State Department, the National Intelligence Council, and the FBI’s apparent agreement that the bio lab in Wuhan was the likeliest source of the outbreak.

Senator Josh Hawley also said Sunday that he intends to introduce legislation to declassify intelligence findings about the likely origin of the outbreak.

“The American people deserve the full truth about #COVID origins. No more whitewash. I will again introduce legislation to make the U.S. government’s intelligence reports on COVID more open to the public,” Hawley tweeted.  

Other Republicans have also called for a renewed focus on the origins of the pandemic.

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