
Anonymous G

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Ukraine President Zelensky Reveals How Much US Taxpayers Are Giving Him

Ukraine President Zelensky Reveals How Much US Taxpayers Are Giving Him

(Niamh Harris) Ukraine’s President Vladimir Zelensky has boasted that Washington is providing him with a massive $1.5 billion per month for state coffers as the country piles up a large war-time deficit.

“The United States gives us $1.5 billion every month to support our budget to fight” against Russia the Ukrainian leader explained, during a CBS “Face the Nation” interview. He even pointed out that there remains “a deficit of $5 billion in our budget.”

Activist Post reports: He immediately pivoted to repeating Kyiv’s longtime complaint that it’s not enough – because it’s never enough – though by and large the common American taxpayer seems oblivious amid the onslaught of constant war headlines.

Zelensky said, after revealing the astonishing $1.5 billion in aid on a monthly basis figure, “But believe me, it’s not even nearly enough to cover the civilian infrastructure, schools, hospitals, universities, homes of Ukrainians. Why do we need this? We need the security in order to attract our Ukrainians to come back home.”

“If it’s safe, they will come, settle, work here and will pay taxes and then we won’t have a deficit of $5 billion in our budget. So it will be a positive for everybody,” the Ukrainian leader continued. “Because as of today the United States gives us $1.5 billion every month to support our budget to fight- fight this war. However, if our people will come back- and they do want to come back very much, they have a lot of motivation- they will work here.”

“And then the United States will not have to continue, give us this support,” he concluded, though the way things are going it could be years before the US might “not have to continue” the nonstop aid. Zelensky appeared to be trying to present a strange “win-win” for American, though again if average US taxpayers grasped the full enormity of it, they certainly might question that narrative.

Ironically, or tiresomely, just a day after Zelensky complained “But believe me, it’s not even nearly enough”… Congress is poised to push through another $12 billion, according Reuters.

Fox’s Tucker Carlson says, This is insane!

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