
Anonymous G

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Is The Highland Park Shooter a Leftist Who Worships Satan or MAGA?

Is The Highland Park Shooter a Leftist Who Worships Satan or MAGA?

(Chaz Anon) Yet another ‘incident’ has occurred to justify our slide into totalitarianism. These naturally occurring psy-ops are piling up and being promoted HARD by the MSM.

Leading the charge is the mockingbird left-wing media, framing the most recent mass shooter, Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III, as a “Trumper” because of a photo of him wearing a Trump flag. At the same time, the right-wing alternative media is pushing the narrative that the Highland Park mass shooter is a left-wing extremist.

So which is it?

Looking through his photos on social media one might quickly assume that he is either a rapper or an Antifa agitator. Yet the left-wing Twitter mafia has been attempting to link him to Trump and the MAGA movement because of the photo below.

The situation in the photo is not clear, the flag might say Trump sucks. What is the context of the situation and why is the US flag taped up with a bag over it behind him. He could very well be mocking Trump in some way.

Trolling is so FUN

Some pointed to the shooter being pictured attending a Trump rally, although as Mike Cernovich points out, he is dressed like the ‘Where’s Waldo’ character, which suggests he might be trolling the event.

Is that who hired you?

His social accounts seem to support the Democratic Party:

To confuse a divided national audience even further, Crimo did the shooting while dressed in drag. That definitely makes him a woke left-wing agitator, right? Those on the left believe that he played dress up in order to blame them for the mass shooting. Huh?

The likelihood that this guy is trolling both sides is very high.

Whether he is a Trump supporter or a Biden supporter doesn’t really matter. He’s a psychopathic individual. He doesn’t seem to be driven by political motivations. But more evidence will leak out and that can change. He was obviously mentally ill and was over powered by his anger, narcissism, and the evil forces of this world. Whether those forces were imagined through psychosis or driven by outside factors is up for debate.

Perhaps he’s a product of “MK Ultra” or some other brainwashing system?

One thing that is for certain, his actions serve the agenda of the globalist authoritarians, who want to destroy the 2nd amendment, so they can bring in a tyrannical Liberal New Order. Whether the killer was trolling or not by appearing to support both sides of the political spectrum, his mind maze fuels the DIVIDE and CONQUER dialectic which only benefits the elite puppet masters.

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