
Anonymous G

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Senator Marshall To Introduce The 'FAUCI Act' After Doctor Called Him A "Moron"

Senator Marshall To Introduce The 'FAUCI Act' After Doctor Called Him A "Moron"

(Chaz Anon) Little Napoleon Dr. Anthony Fauci has shown his true colors once again. After calling Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall a “moron” on a hot mic, the senator plans to introduce legislation to combat NIH directors corruption.

Marshall’s bill, called the Financial Accountability for Uniquely Compensated Individuals – or FAUCI Act – will require that the Office of Government Ethics provide a list of all confidential filers within the government whose financial disclosures are not public, per Fox News

This all started when Marshall – who is a physician himself – pressed Fauci about his financial interests during Tuesday’s Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing on the COVID response.

“As the highest-paid employee in the entire federal government,” Marshall asked, “yes or no, would you be willing to submit to Congress and the public a financial disclosure that includes your past and current investments?” 

“I don’t understand why you’re asking me that question,” Fauci replied. “My financial disclosure is public knowledge and has been so for the last 37 years or so, 35 years.”

Fauci was then caught on a hot mic calling Marshall a “moron.”

“What a moron, Jesus Christ!”

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