
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Acts of Rebellion

(Freed Radical) Are you on our side? Which side is that, you ask? Our side, you know, the right side. The side that those people are not on. That side.

This is what we have devolved into in America, and worldwide. Some see it as a division between various views on various topics, as minor as potatoes vs. rice, but today I see it as a split between good and evil. Instantly I am demonized for calling the other side evil, and the rage flares.

Regardless how you characterize the issues, and exactly where you place the border, you, dear reader, are probably here, reading this article, because you have more of a conservative or libertarian bent. And I love you for it, because we have to stick together. But sticking together is one thing the other side despises in us, particularly since we are sticking together not because of something superficial, like skin color, or because our fathers were in the union, or because that’s the way we have always voted. We stick together out of principle, which is something the other side simply cannot comprehend.

Despots are about power, not principle. They only use principle as a stage prop.

We not being on the other side, the other side seeks to deceive, harass, intimidate, impoverish, and prosecute us into abandoning principle and switching sides, to which we raise a hearty stein full of “Up yours!” Our spirit is the thing that they despise the most, the spirit of independence, self sufficiency, and freedom. Despise. Plus our sense of humor. And we know they despise our spirit and pour salt on whatever wounds they can inflict, such that even if some few of us are impoverished or imprisoned we shall continue to raise our hearty stein full of “Up yours!” until our dying breath, voiding their presumed victory. They are too deceived by evil to even appreciate the bile.

Until then, we do not reject, but embrace division. If it is a battle between good and evil, then we find no value or purpose in their side. There is little gray these days, and the middle ground between good and evil is still evil. We find glory and honor in doing battle with evil, engaging in acts of rebellion against their mandates, diktats, and juvenile peer pressure while they are in power, and moving our country toward the good when they are not, though the ultimate crash apparently cannot be avoided, only redirected.

But it’s even more than that. Poking a finger in the eye of our enemy is certainly fun (Let’s go, Brandon!), but this is not our motivation. And we don’t rebel just to support our principles over theirs, as if this were the clash of the philosophical titans. There’s a more practical reason. We rebel to establish a correct and proper life based on our God-given rights, rights not subject to the whims of tyrants. This is the life we desire, and shall haveelse the tyrants will have to kill us, and we will take our productivity and creativity to the grave, and leave them with a billion dull peasants to contribute children to the tyrants’ pedophile islands.

What acts of rebellion, you may ask? I have compiled a short list, not as a literary curiosity, but as marching orders. Make this your checklist for 2022, to deepen your rebellion against evil.

The 2022 Acts of Rebellion Checklist

Think independently.

Disconnect from propaganda.

Eat healthy.

Wean off pharmaceuticals.

Find a freedom oriented doctor, and fire that state sponsored medical droid.

Reject experimental drug treatments.

Drink clean water.

Stop funding communist regimes masquerading as Internet sellers.

Reduce tax liability, sell off stuff.

Educate our own children.

Starve the beast of private information.

Engage in the barter economy.

Study our founding documents and founding fathers’ writings.

Move money out of banks and into tangibles.

Promote freedom to youth.

Read the Bible, worship God.

Strengthen body and spirit.

Eat only clean food.

Read classic literature.

Observe who’s for freedom and who is not.

Grow our own food.

Build community with like minded neighbors.

Reject all the system’s predefined choices and make our own choices.

Mentor a young person.

Create something, art, furniture, literature, or even a new human being.

Embrace division by reaching out to the deceived, making a convert to truth.

Train in personal defense.

Communicate face to face, build relationships.

Store supplies for hard times.

Ignore news media.

Learn a new skill.

Buy local, keeping our wealth in our community.

This is a short list. Please contribute your acts of rebellion in the comments.

Look, this division thing is denigrated by the “can’t we all just get along” crowd. But intentional division between good and evil is a good thing. You certainly taught your kids to stay away from evil people, criminals, bullies, drug dealers, and the like. Were you being divisive? Of course not. You were being smart.

One of the tactics of evil people is to smear the boundary between good and evil. Maintain clear vision. The middle ground between good and evil is still evil. There’s a graphic scene described by Jesus in Matthew 25, in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats. Read it over. There’s no group in the theological middle, the Well Principled Moderates. The lukewarm moderates are with the goats.

The Bible says that friendship with the world is enmity toward God. That’s some pretty serious division, but division that gets us closer to the source of life, and away from death. Embrace proper division, live free, and rebel against the evil that confronts us. And realize that one of the ways to defeat evil is to convert an evil person to the good!


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