
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


"Let's Go Brandon!": NBC Reporter Tries Desperate Damage Control as NASCAR Crowd Chants “F Joe Biden!”

"Let's Go Brandon!": NBC Reporter Tries Desperate Damage Control as NASCAR Crowd Chants “F Joe Biden!”

(Chaz Anon) The mockingbird media’s gaslighting has reached epic proportions. A reporter for NBC was trying to interview NASCAR driver Brandon Brown when the crowd began to chant the now popular “Fuck Joe Biden”, which has been breaking out at sporting events all across America.

The reporter tried desperately to distract by saying the crowd was chanting “Let’s go Branden” when it’s clearly not the case. She tried to talk over the chants, but that didn’t work either.

This is classic and a perfect example of fake news:

Australia's NSW State Premier Resigns Over Corruption Probe Amid COVID-19 Battle

Australia's NSW State Premier Resigns Over Corruption Probe Amid COVID-19 Battle

Fauci Isn't Sure You Can Gather For Xmas, But Is Sure You Must Give Up Your Individual Rights

Fauci Isn't Sure You Can Gather For Xmas, But Is Sure You Must Give Up Your Individual Rights