
Anonymous G

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Riot Kitchen: Professional Agitators

Riot Kitchen: Professional Agitators

(Chaz Anon) Why does a Seattle-based organization, that pretends to be a food truck, go all the way to Kenosha, Wisconsin after the police shoot another black criminal?

The answer is in their name. Members of “Riot Kitchen” were among those arrested in Kenosha, according to police reports. Riot Kitchen claims affiliation with “anti-fascist” organizations but says it shows up to protests to feed hungry demonstrators and members of the local homeless community. Sure, nice cover story.

Eight “volunteers” from Seattle-based Riot Kitchen were ordered out of their vehicles and arrested by law enforcement officials soon after their Wednesday arrival in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where they had planned to provide free food to protesters, according to a board member of the nonprofit group.

Although Riot Kitchen claimed police brutality, suggesting that they had been singled out for their agenda and their out-of-state license plates, Kenosha police revealed that the Riot Kitchen crew was carrying “multiple fuel cans,” and attracted officer attention with what appeared to preparations for violence.

“The officers exited their vehicles, identified themselves, were wearing appropriate identification, and then detained the occupants of the bus and bread truck,” the police reported. “The minivan attempted to drive away; however, Kenosha Police stopped this vehicle and ultimately forced entry to the minivan and arrested the occupants. The vehicles contained various items that included helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances.”

Journalist Andy Ngo, an expert on violent “Antifa” groups, identified the “Riot Kitchen” organization arrested by Kenosha Police this week, as a Seattle-based “Antifa group that supplies rioters.”

“It’s an Antifa group that supplies rioters. They claim to only give out food but as authorities in Kenosha found, they bring with them much more than that,” he added:

According to the Times, Riot Kitchen came as the result of the prolonged protests in Seattle, serving the former “autonomous” zone known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) — an area dominated by self-described anarchists and Antifa activists.

The Times reported that Riot Kitchen recently “expanded its efforts to provide food at Portland protests and this month incorporated as a nonprofit.”

“We are a nonprofit and our mission is to feed people for free — protesters and everyone in need,” board member Jennifer Scheurle claimed. “We were from out of town — but that’s not illegal.”

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