
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


The Beirut Explosion: Was It a Drone Strike?

The Beirut Explosion: Was It a Drone Strike?

 (Chaz Anon)  A massive blast In Beirut, Lebanon that was so catastrophic, it killed hundreds, wounded thousands and has left over 300,000 people homeless, happened on Tuesday. U.S. President Trump has called the explosion in Beirut “an attack” caused by “a bomb of some kind”. A Pakistan media source blamed Israel for obliterating what is now being called an ammunition warehouse belonging to Hezbollah terrorists in Beirut-Lebanon said to have been holding Iranian missiles. Israel denies the accusation and zero real evidence has come forward. Some intel sources have said China might benefit from this explosion, enabling the rerouting of shipments to more favorable ports of entry.



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Over 80,000 Mail-in Ballots Disqualified in NYC Primary Mess

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Red Bull and Goya Foods Resist Cultural Warrior Group-Think – and Sales Are off the Charts