
Anonymous G

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Poll: Trump Now Leads Nationwide, Following Party Conventions, Riots

Poll: Trump Now Leads Nationwide, Following Party Conventions, Riots

(Steve Watson) President Trump’s approval has risen significantly in the past week, and means he now has a significant lead nation-wide, according to a new Democracy Institute/Sunday Express Poll.

The survey indicates that Trump now has a three-point lead in the national popular vote, and has forged ahead to a seven-point lead in key battleground states.

Trump leads by 48% to Joe Biden’s 45% nationally, which equates to a one point jump since the beginning of the month.

The seven point lead Trump now commands in states such as Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to the poll, is a two point bump on a month ago.

The poll was conducted on Friday August 29, the day after the RNC ended.

The poll also shows that Trump’s support among black and hispanic voters has increased to 19% of black votes, 11 points higher than in 2016, and 39% of hispanic votes, 10 points higher than in 2016.

The poll also projects that Trump will score a higher electoral college margin over his opponent than in 2016, by winning in Minnesota and New Hampshire.

The poll numbers also indicate that Trump will win the electoral college vote in Wisconsin.

“Wisconsin is the last of the swing rust belt states to reach a tipping point on law and order,” Democracy Institute Polling Director Patrick Basham told Breitbart News.

Biden and the Democrats’ belated addressing of the rioting, attempting to blame it on Trump, appears to have come too late, particularly in Wisconsin, where lifelong Democrats say they’re either not voting or voting for Trump.

Meanwhile, some Democrats, such as Willie Brown, are pleading with the party to stop legitimizing looting and rioting, as it will help re-elect President Trump.

Biden charged Saturday that Trump is using the National Guard as a “prop or as a private militia to violate the rights of fellow citizens”:

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