The Democratic Party is Satanic, Literally!
(Chaz Anon) When it comes to the ideology of the Democratic party, it’s not hard to make the argument that it is satanic.
Abortion is the most obvious satanic ideology of the left. The Satanic Temple wants to protect the right to an abortion under “religious freedom” and is urging women to recite satanic incantations during abortions as a “satanic ritual.” Satanists promote materialism and demoralization, and so does the Democrats.
And now the 2020 Democratic National Convention has used a pentagram as part of their logo, which is the letter D, the number 2, and a circle with an outline of The United States of America.
If you rotate the logo 90° then the stylized star inside the letter D immediately resembles a pentagram. And If you assume that D20 is a symbol or code for an anagram, then it could also mean “death to America.”
The Democrats have embraced what they call Democratic Socialism, which is essential communism. A key goal of communism is to demoralize societies—to destroy the culture, religion, and basic values of any society it touches.
This goal is laid out clearly in “The Communist Manifesto,” in which Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote in 1848 that communism “abolishes all religion, and all morality.” Communism is Anti-Christ.
Biographer Robert Payne wrote in his 1968 book “Marx” that Marx “had the Devil’s view of the world, and the Devil’s malignity. Sometimes he seemed to know that he was accomplishing works of evil.”
From Epoch Times:
Satanism works by inverting values within the Christian system. Dialectical materialism works by inverting the values of all traditional beliefs in all upright religious systems. It works on three principles to identify, contradict, and eliminate the middle. The inversion of whichever traditional value it is targeting becomes the issue pressed by communism, and it uses these inversions of traditions and morals to drive society into struggle, and to use this struggle to destroy the values that exist within that society.
That is where BLM and Antifa come in to do the leg work for the Satanic future the Dems are hoping to usher in. Both groups consider themselves Marxist Revolutionaries, and work towards the goal of demoralizing our nation. These foot soldiers are bought and paid for by George Soros, who has also funded The Clinton’s in the past, which are obvious practitioners of the dark arts and lack any semblance of morality.
If you do a little research on the tenants of Satanism as disclosed by people like Anton LeVey and then compare it to the ideals of the Democratic Party over the last 30 years, there’s certainly enough evidence to prove that the DNC is Satanic, and is now not afraid to flaunt it.