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Wayfair Child Trafficking Scheme: Real or Honeypot?

Wayfair Child Trafficking Scheme: Real or Honeypot?

(Chaz Anon) The popular American online furniture retailer Wayfair, has been accused of trafficking and selling humans along with their overpriced storage cabinets and utilities, by Reddit and Twitter users. The drama began with a post on subreddit r/conspiracy.

A Reddit posting made yesterday by the mysterious PrincessPeach1987, whom many speculate is Reddit’s former CEO Ellen Pao, pointed out that Wayfair is selling cheaply made cabinets for $12,000 and more—and the kicker is that all of these cabinets being sold by Wayfair have names matching those of missing children.

PrincessPeach1987 found matches between several of Wayfair’s products and the names of various missing girls (Neriah, Samiyah Mumun, Smara Duplessis, Yaritza Castro, Anabel Wilson, Kylah). Once the story hit Twitter, the Qanon researchers spread the information like wildfire.

Alex Jones has come out and loudly claimed this is a honeypot and/or misdirection away from “something” else, possibly the Ghislaine Maxwell case.

This story could certainly be designed to further discredit the alternative media as well, with no concrete evidence, just unusual correlations.


Wayfair Child Trafficking Scheme

As soon as QAnon got a taste of this story, #Wayfair quickly trended on twitter, with users almost instantly linking those involved in pizzagate to this conspiracy.

The rumor spread after people started noticing an unfounded pattern linking the names of overly priced items such as cabinets ($12K+) and throw pillows ($10K+) to the initials of missing children Samiyah Mumin, Samara Duplessis, Yaritza, etc. The overly priced items raised suspicion of Wayfair trafficking children in place of these products.


Twitter users swarmed the social media platform with tweets correlating these products with the missing children, posting screenshots of them along the way. Below is the list of all Wayfair missing kids.


Samiyah Mumin Wayfair Cabinet: Missing or Found

Upon initial research, we found out that Samiyah was missing in Jun 2020 but has since been found in the hometown.

Samara Duplessis Wayfair Cabinet: Missing or Found

The 13 years old Michigan girl, Samara Duplessis is still missing. She measured 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighed 110 pounds with long brown hair in braids and hazel eyes.

She was last spotted by family members while taking the garbage out.

UPDATE: According to our users, she was found in a safe and sound condition. Read comment section for more details.

Yaritza Castro Wayfair Missing or Found

The 16-year old Harwintown, Connecticut girl is missing from June 10, 2020. No update on her status is available so far.

Cameron James Dziedzic Missing Child Found

Dziedzic went missing on April 2, 2020, in Calvert County. The police located him successfully with the help of people, according to ABC13.

Mary Durett Missing Wayfair

The 16-year-old girl went missing on December 14, 2017, near Hermann Park. She was found safe after one week.

A Wayfair spokeswoman has denied the accusations in an email to, she stated:-

“There is, of course, no truth to these claims. The products in question are industrial grade cabinets that are accurately priced. Recognizing that the photos and descriptions provided by the supplier did not adequately explain the high price point, we have temporarily removed the products from the site to rename them and to provide a more in-depth description and photos that accurately depict the product to clarify the price point.”

The company’s decision to delete the products raises more suspicions. If Wayfair child trafficking scheme was just a rumor, then why did Wayfair deleted the products from their online store? It gives way to more conspiracy theories. Or perhaps, this is simply disinformation designed to obfuscate.

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