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American Chaos: Paid Antifa Gangs Involved in Minneapolis Burning, White House Unrest

American Chaos: Paid Antifa Gangs Involved in Minneapolis Burning, White House Unrest

(Chaz Anon) The Minnesota National Guard was called out by Governor Tim Walz early Thursday morning. By Friday night, large groups of protestors gathered outside of the White House, some getting shutdown by the Secret Service.

Riots began breaking out on Tuesday following the media’s barrage of reports showing a video of a Minneapolis police officer killing George Floyd, an unarmed black man. All 4 officers involved were immediately fired and a DOJ investigation was immediately launched. Derek Chauvin, the officer who killed George Floyd has been charged with third degree murder and manslaughter.

After weeks of COVID lockdown and quarantine, large-scale unemployment and authoritarian rules, the rage against this machine was inevitable.

Big Box stores and banks were reduced to ashes. Rioters attacked firefighters who responded to the Auto Zone store that was engulfed in flames. Other fires blazed and a building collapsed without any action from the fire department.

Secret Service agents detaining rioters

Secret Service agents detaining rioters

By Thursday, Protest and riots began breaking out all across America, culminating in the White House being surrounded.

Andy Ngo, a journalist who has followed domestic terrorist group ANTIFA, claims that the mass arson attacks, looting and vandalism on Wednesday night were largely perpetrated by the paid Soros group. He tweeted, “Antifa have joined forces with BLM [Black Lives Matter] again to carry out mass carnage and violence.”

Ngo also noted, “Antifa accounts are encouraging and celebrating the violence in Minneapolis. They’ve even started a jail fund for those who may get arrested. They are calling it a ‘freedom fund.’”

Riots took place in District 5, the seat of Rep. Ilhan Omar, who tweeted, “Our anger is just. Our anger is warranted. And our priority right now must be protecting one another.”

Omar’s teenaged daughter, Isra Hirsi retweeted a list of supplies needed by rioting.

“comrades”. The original thread came from the Twin Cities Democratic Socialist Party, who were actively coordinating support efforts for the rioters, including car rides out of the area.

All of this, of course leads one to ask if this violence, more than 24 hours after Floyd’s death is organic. Some had commented that Floyd’s murder was so in-your-face and egregious. It was done in the middle of the street in broad daylight, with the cop looking right in the camera.

Observers on social media have been pointing out that this week’s cluster of racially-charged viral videos may be false flags, with one tweeting, “Do you see a pattern in viral videos the last few days? White cop kills black man, black man beats elderly white man, white woman calls cops on a man in the park and tells the 911 operator there’s an African American man threatening my life. Wake up! They are creating a race war.”

It is also now being reported that George Floyd and the officer who killed him, Derek Chauvin, worked together at a Restaurant night club together. So this story will likely develop further.

This is certain to be a wild summer building up to an election in November that may lead to more violence if the Marxist gangs are not happy with the results.

Social unrest can certainly happen organically, but in this case we have seen a continuous string of media promoted scenarios that have pushed America over the edge into chaos.

Beginning with impeachment, then pushing 40 million Americans into unemployment with an overhyped COVID-19 outbreak and now all this racially charged media reporting, it certainly seems like the powers that be are pushing the divide and conquer buttons on their NWO control panels.

To throw fuel on the fire, criminals have been released from prison while small business owners have been jailed for opening up their stores. If you can’t see the manufactured chaos that is taking place here in America (and around the world), then you will forever live in 1984.

The Minneapolis Putsch

The Minneapolis Putsch

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