
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Is the Coronavirus a Cover Story For a Global Economic Recession?

Is the Coronavirus a Cover Story For a Global Economic Recession?

(Chaz Anon) Last year economic experts were predicting a global recession would arrive in 2020, long before the coronavirus began spreading around the globe. There are plenty of articles that you can google predicting this economic slow down, but the Wuhan born virus functions as a perfect cover story for the coming global economic downturn. Some pundits are even going as far as calling it a depression, as Dave Kranzler discusses in the video below.

Even with the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates, the US stock market has continued to tank. President Trump has been pressuring the FED to lower interest rates even further, hoping to get ahead of an eventual recession. He seems less concerned with the virus than he does with the interest rates, which leads me to believe he knows something that we don’t know. Will the FED have to go negative on interest rates to keep our economy from crashing?

One thing you will notice when the global economy is in trouble is that gold becomes a hot commodity and begins to explode in price. Just one month ago you could buy an ounce of gold for $1,250 dollars and as of today it is $1,660 dollars, yet many of the wholesalers are selling it for $1,800 an ounce.

If you look at the history of economic bubbles, we are pretty much due for a POP! If that happens, a recession and/or a depression is certain to follow. President Trump was able to keep the economic bubble going with tax cuts and extreme confidence, but the chickens are coming home to roost and it might not be pretty when they all make it to the hen house. Let’s hope the president has another trick up his sleeve, but we must not keep our collective heads in the sand and we must be prepared for the worst possible outcome.

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