Do Disney Talent Agents Have a Child Sex Grooming Ring In Hollywood?
The Founder
(Chaz Anon) Disney Entertainment has been programming the minds of children (and adults) for almost 100 years now. Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio was founded October 16, 1923 by brothers Walt and Roy Disney. It officially became The Walt Disney Company in 1986, the multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate, which has slowly taken over the world one mind at a time.
Walt Disney had a magical formula he used to influence, indoctrinate and perhaps even hypnotize people, which has been perfected, and used continually to this day. With secret occult knowledge, Walt Disney was able to create one of the most popular theme parks and film studios in all the world. It’s a company that was infused with magick teachings, films such as the Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Sword in the Stone, and Maleficent are full of the symbols and narratives of the occult mystery school religions.
Walt Disney was a practicing member of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, also known as the Rosicrucians
Disney’s Sexual Abusers
Ricky Garcia is an actor and singer who was recruited by a Disney-backed talent agency for several of their projects. But, like many young actors, he quickly found out that the casting couch is for EVERYONE in Hollywood. Ricky’s mother Tammy eventually found out, and she helped her son file a lawsuit alleging that the Disney agencies and organization in Hollywood are involved in child grooming and sex trafficking.
In an interview with Tiffany Fitzhenry, Tammy Garcia explains that her son Ricky Garcia, 20, has filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court that named his ex-manager Joby Harte, 37, his business partners Paul Cohen and Sheri Anderson Thomas, former APA agent Tyler Grasham, and manager Nils Larsen of sexual misconduct.
“The suit alleges that from the age of 12 years old Ricky was groomed, sexually abused and raped on a weekly basis, and that Joby Harte passed him around as a “sexual plaything” to other powerful pedophiles throughout the business.”
The article goes through exhaustive and explicit detail of how, from age 12 up until 20, Ricky was subjected to abuse by various Hollywood executives.
It started with allegations of Joby Harte, the manager of the boy band, allegedly manipulating the boys when they were intoxicated with alcohol. Ricky recounts in the documents how he once blacked out and when he awoke he was naked in Joby’s bed. He said the abuse happened multiple times a week for four years, according to the documents.
Actress Bella Thorne reported similar abuse happened to her while she was working on the Disney show Shake It Up. She recently talked about the abuse in an interview on Build.
Ricky and his bandmates were taken to lavish Hollywood parties where they rubbed shoulders and what not with entertainment moguls of both the music and movie business. It was at this parties that Ricky claims he was sexually molested by men and women, including APA agent Tyler Grasham, who has been accused multiple times over the years of sexually abusing minors. Grasham escaped prosecution due to a statue of limitations and a lack of corroborating evidence, according to the Los Angeles Times.
According to FitzHenry, Grasham and the Pedos have escaped prosecution because Hollywood is a den of vipers who protects each other.
Why would a mother let her son into such a world?
Tammy says that she was groomed to believe that the only way Ricky would gain success is if she wasn’t around to be a mommy manager; she was convinced by the agency that it was best to let them handle Ricky to maximize his potential in the business, and she believed them.
According to FitzHenry, the main reason why Tammy pursued a lawsuit instead of the traditional law enforcement route was because when the local police investigated the matter they never even interviewed Joby Harte, and others who had also alleged that Joby had assaulted their kids also reported that police had never interviewed him.
The Los Angeles police also reportedly dropped the case because there wasn’t enough evidence to corroborate Ricky’s story, which he only decided to pursue years after he had already been abused.
Given that he didn’t think to go in for a rape kit after being abused or use a recording device, he had nothing to back up his story except his word and the word of others.
Despite there allegedly having been multiple victims of the accused parties, it wasn’t enough for the police to pursue. Something similar happened when Corey Feldman and Corey Haim also claimed to have been sexually abused by Hollywood moguls.
In the case of Ricky Garcia, he first confided in a former employee of Joby Harte about the alleged abuse he had suffered at the hands of his manager. He alleged to be molested at Chris Pratt and Anna Faris’ house by then marketing and PR agent Lisa Delcampo (who used to work with N’Sync’s Lance Bass – who also claimed to have endured sexual abuse as a teenager, as reported by The Guardian) as well as CAA agent Janet Kim, both allegedly molested and sexually abused him.
In spring of 2018, after telling the former assistant his story, Ricky was convinced to confront Joby about the abuse, but Joby attempted to prevent Ricky from telling his mother by working with Janet Kim to schedule an impromptu tour for the band Forever In Your Mind, thus preventing Ricky from talking with his mom about the abuse.
Joby’s former assistant ended up telling Tammy, who then confronted Joby, who played it off that there was no abuse, just “horseplay”. After the police passed on the case Tammy and Ricky decided to file a lawsuit.
The Divine Right
ABC News, which is owned by Disney, was outed last year when reporter Amy Robach was caught on a video, revealed by Project Veritas, saying that ABC News covered up the Jeffrey Epstein story three years ago. The entire Walt Disney Company appears to be involved in propagating false narratives in regards to elite pedophiles.
Could that be because two Disney executives are alleged on the trip manifold of Epstein’s Lolita Express airlines, which might be why they buried the story in the first place, and a way for Disney Studios’ Richard Cook and former ABC Studios president Geraldine Layborne to cover their own tracks.
“I tried for three years to get it out to no avail and now these new revelations and — I freaking had all of it,” Robach said.
Robach alleges that Buckingham Palace and other influential world leaders threatened access to ABC News should her story run about Epstein’s pedophile island and the alleged abuses at the hands of many elites, including Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.
When you connect the dots and realize that ABC is owned by the Disney Corporation, which is essentially an occult organization involved is child trafficking and exploitation, the big picture comes in focused. No corporation in the world has the kind of influence on the children of the world like Disney. And if Ms. Robach’s claims are true, ABC/Disney protected an individual who was possibly the worst pedophile in American history!
It’s pretty obvious where The Walt Disney Company stands on exposing the issue of pedophilia and child trafficking in our society.