
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Twitter Purges More Conservatives

Twitter Purges More Conservatives

Both Twitter and Facebook have launched a grand purge of conservative accounts or more specifically, nationalist-populist users. Among the purged are Alex Jones, Milo, Paul Joseph Watson, Tommy Robinson, and Laura Loomer. These bans and suspensions have critics predicting more waves of censorship to come.

If everything continues in the direction it has been, Kassam’s prediction will be right on the money. And like clockwork, Monday night, several other conservative accounts were banned. Among them a parody account of Alexandra Occasio-Cortez, Jewish conservative @OfficeOfMike, and even the @MAGAphobia account whose admin was Jack Posobiec (the same Jack Posobiec mentioned by Kassam in his tweet about who'd be targeted next).

In its explanation of the ban on the AOC parody account, Twitter was dishonest claiming that it wasn't made clear in the user's name and bio that it was indeed parody. But, that is simply not true:

Conservative writer Courtney Holland responds:

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani calls these purges nothing less than censorship.

Google/YouTube, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter make up 93% of all web traffic. Working together to silence groups of people is what's called an oligopoly, and their criminal activity known as racketeering.

Furthermore, they all operate and advertise (including to shareholders), as platforms under section 230 liability protection. Their "grooming" not only violates that trust (SEC violation), but is also a contribution in-kind to the democrat party, a clear FEC violation.

It’s obvious which ideals the “liberal” Silicon Valley tech types prefer, and free speech for everyone is not one of them. They have picked a side with regards to the upcoming 2020 elections and if you dare disagree with the “machine” then you are at risk of losing your account and audience as well.

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