Who Is QAnon?
Is the anonymous 8chan poster Q a patriotic Trump connected insider or a LARP (live action role play) ran by a disinformation agent?
This story began in October of 2017 when an anonymous account on 4chan began posting messages that seemed to confirm many conspiracy theories about the "Deep State", focusing primarily on the corruption at the highest levels of government. Those on 4chan refer to one another as “anons”, which is why the tern Qanon is often used. Q shares clues and encourages followers to research their 'true meaning'. These clues generally open the door toward incriminating information about deep state actors who benefit off a system of corruption.
Sample Q post
Many anon followers believe that 'Q' is a Trump administration insider. This is because Q began as "Q Clearance Patriot" and has released small pieces of evidence to reinforce this position. Other think that Q is not an individual but a group of patriots within the government loyal to President Trump and the constitution of the United States. This argument is supported by the fact that Q often speaks in the third person. And others involved in the movement believe that Q is President Trump himself. Considering how heroic President Trump is in the Q narrative, this seems like a possibility.
There is no doubt that Q does shine a light on the corrupt power players of the "Deep State" swamp, but some critics argue that the Qanon movement is nothing more than an elaborate disinformation ploy to discredit those who question authority, framing them as simple-minded conspiracy theorists. While other critics ask "who benefits" the most from this movement, with President Trump being presented as the greatest philosopher king of this age, fighting against corrupt pedophiles who partake in ancient occult sacrifices.
Wikileaks has come out this week describing Q as a 'Pied Piper' operation designed to direct open-minded patriots off the path of truth, towards a dark ally of easily dismissible disinformation. This is certainly something the "Deep State" would be interested in, enabling them to retain their power while leading Americans into believing that the swamp is being drained. So should we "trust the plan" or "question everything" like the original anonymous ideology suggests?
Q the Pied Piper?
Infowars Jerome Corsi was a big proponent of Q last year when the whole phenomenon began, but has now moved away from supporting the movement suggesting that is has been infiltrated. He himself has been accused of being an intelligence asset by many in the Qanon community, with some circumstantial evidence being released to support that claim. His boss, Alex Jones, has also been accused of being a "gatekeeper" of alternative information, and a suspected asset of the CIA.
Nevertheless, it would make perfect sense for the US intelligence community to conduct psychological operations against those on the right who espouse anti-establishment ideals. Any political faction which opposes corruption is going to be infiltrated, monitored and manipulated, and there’s no reason to believe that this voter block which helped elect President Trump on the basis of his anti-globalist and anti-interventionist positions wouldn’t get gamed by the "Deep State".
So is Q a limited hangout operation with a political bias? Perhaps, but that doesn't mean viable information isn't disseminated from the posts on 8chan. Most recently Valerie Jarrett and her Muslim Brotherhood connections where put into the spotlight, connecting her to the corrupt Iran deal. When Roseanne Barr showcased this connection on twitter (unfortunately in a way that was spun to be racist) the information grew even larger in the collective consciousness of the American people. This is a perfect example of the influence Q has now, shining a light on the Oligarchy in control of the United States.
So does it even matter who Q the individual is? Or is Q actually a concept? Maybe Q appears to be questioning only Democratic corruption, and certain biased critics will of course point that out, but the big picture is that Q is teaching many people to question everything they are told, primarily by those in power with the authority to control our lives. So Q is not just an individual or a group of government patriots, it is an idea that is represented by 'We The People' of the United States, who should be questioning and analyzing everything we are told by the media, government, communities and even our families. QUESTION EVERYTHING=FREEDOM