
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Trump To Audit The DOD

Trump To Audit The DOD

In a gesture to fiscal conservatives, many of whom where on the fence during his campaign, President Trump has instructed his comptroller to audit the Department of Defense. This is a move that should be welcomed by all Americans, except for the corrupt deep state profiteers and their minions. 

The Department of Defense Comptroller David Norquist announced last week that the agency would undergo the first full-scale audit in its history. The audit will examine every aspect of the Defense Department's spending. This will include cost analysis of personnel, supplies and weapons that go out to the large number of military bases around the world. According to The Hill, "At least 2,400 auditors will be tasked with spreading out across the department to examine the Pentagon's estimated $2.4 trillion in assets."

"It is important that the Congress and the American people have confidence in DOD's management of every taxpayer dollar," Norquist said. According to him, the Department of Defense will now do audits annually.

The last time the Department of Defense had anything that resembled an audit was in September 2001, when Donald Rumsfeld announced the DOD was missing 2.3 trillion dollars. The day after Rumsfeld announced this, September 11th, the United States was attacked at the World Trade Center and Pentagon. With the American people in shock and mourning their losses, the missing trillions were quickly forgotten. The "War On Terror" was the solution and the drooling defense contractors would be the only beneficiaries, squandering trillions more dollars.

Many of the President's supporters believe he is using this audit as a signal to the deep state that he is not putting up with their corruption any longer. Whether or not this is true, the 3D chess match is certain to continue in a direction of hostile discourse. Of course there is a chance that this is all just political theatre designed to further divide the American people. We will eventually see if the president is truly an advisory of the corrupt financial elite that he has been doing business deals with for the last 30 years. If he truly wants to "Make America Great Again", he will have to utilize every tool he has acquired in business to "drain the swamp", like he impassionately promised during his campaign.


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